If you need to put three cars under cover this 35' x 30' carport on 9' legs might be right for you.
How about this 30 x 40 fully insulated shop on 12 ft legs with 1 - 10 x 10 and 1 - 10 x 12 Roll-up door.
This is a massive 30' x 40' on 16' legs side entry with a 16' x 12' roll-up chain hoist door. It is also fully insulated.
How about a 30' x 40' on 12' legs with a 10' x 10' roll-up on each end so you can pull through.

30' x 30' Boat Storage
30' x 40' with 16' wide track door in Fairplay SC.

26 x 52 with side entry.

How about a place to put that big RV plus a bunch of other stuff.

Got some Unlevel land we can build right to the ground not on blocks like allot of those other companies.

30 x 80 12' high used for a batting cage.

The inside of the same building lots of usable space.

40 x 40 on 12' legs

40 x 60 on 10' legs filled with antique tractors.